Departmental Activities

  • Conference (Organized)

  • Conference (Participation)

    Sr No Conference Name Level Organized By/Held at From Date To Date Name of Participant With Bio
    1 Recent Challenges in the Field of Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Future International Aliah University, West Bengal 17/03/2023 18/03/2023 Dr. Mariya Hasnat,Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    2 Advances in Remote Sensing Techniques for Geological Applications National ISRO-IIRS 13/03/2023 24/03/2023 Dr. Mariya Hasnat,Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    3 Planning and Management for Aquatic Species Conservation and Maintenance Ecosystem Services in the Ganga River Basin for a clean Ganga under National Mission for for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Govt. of India National National Mission for for Clean Ganga (NMCG), Govt. of India 16/02/2023 16/02/2023 Dr. Mariya Hasnat,Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    4 Teaching Competency Through Micro-Teaching Skill International Integral University, Lucknow 14/02/2023 02/03/2023 Dr. Mariya Hasnat,Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    5 Women in STEM-2023 International Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology 10/02/2023 14/02/2023 Dr. Syed Saema, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    6 International Conference on Himalayan Cryosphere (ICHC-2020) International Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 19/10/2020 23/10/2020 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    7 Nano Science & Biotechnology Present and Future prospective National Integral University, Lucknow 14/03/2016 15/03/2016 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    8 Combating Air Pollution- A step towards A cleaner tomorrow National Isabella thoburn college, Lucknow 22/01/2016 23/01/2016 Dr. Amina Jafri, Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan ,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    9 Nanosciences, Nanotoxicology & Nanoinformatics- Present & Future Prospectives National Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow in collaboration with Department of Nanotechnology, Life Science Foundation, India, Karnataka. 14/03/2015 15/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    10 “Novel Tools & Treatment Approaches in Health Care System” National Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow. 03/03/2015 03/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    11 National Convention on “ Organic Farming” National NITTTR Chandigarh 28/02/2015 02/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    12 National Convention on “ Organic Farming” National NITTTR Chandigarh 28/02/2015 02/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    13 Impact of Environmental Xenobiotics on Human Health and Biodiversity National Shibli National P.G. College, Azamgarh 02/11/2014 03/11/2014 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    14 Faunal Biodiversity and their Conservational Strategies International University of Lucknow, Lucknow 22/03/2014 22/03/2014 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    15 “Nanoscience & Biotechnology- Present & Future Prospectives” National Department of Nanotechnology, Life Science Foundation, India, Karnataka in collaboration with Department of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow. 20/04/2013 20/04/2013 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    16 “Fourth International Conference on Plants & Environmental Pollution” International International Society of Environmental Botanists & National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow (India) 08/12/2010 11/12/2010 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    17 Emerging Technologies in Environmental Science and Engineering International Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 26/10/2009 28/10/2009 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    18 Management of Land Resources & Land Use Towards Sustainable Development National Institute of Environment & Development Studies, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi. 18/10/2005 19/10/2005 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
  • Seminars / Workshops / FDPs/ Other (Organized)

    Sr No Activity Title of activity Collaborating Departments/ From Date To Date Report Upload/url
    1 Workshop Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) of Ministry of Environmental, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India Department of Environmental Science & Integral Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Integral University, Lucknow -sponsored by The Energy Research Institute 08/04/2024 14/05/2024 View
    2 Workshop One Week Workshop and Awareness Programme for Urban Water Management and Nature Conservation Department of Enviroonmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow, U.P. Jal Nigam (urban) Lucknowand CII- Young Indians (Yi)- Climate action Vertical 18/03/2024 22/03/2024 View
    3 Workshop Integration of GIS and Disaster Risk Reduction for a Resilient and Sustainable Community State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), Uttar Pradesh 29/11/2023 05/12/2023 View
    4 FDP Bridging Climate Change and Environmental Security: Pathways to Resilience The Environmental & Consumer Protection Foundation 19/09/2023 29/09/2023 View
    5 FDP Environmental Sustainability Environmental Science 16/07/2022 30/07/2022 View
    6 Other:please Global Environmental Problems & Its Remedial Measures Environmental Science 16/11/2021 30/11/2021 View
    7 Training One Week Short Term Training Course on “Climate Change & Disaster Management through ICT” Department of Environmental Science & Computer Science ,Integral University,Lucknow & NITTTR Chandigarh 06/11/2017 10/11/2017 View
    8 FDP Use of ICT in Education through Spoken Tutorials" Department of Environmental Science and IIT Bombay jointly organised Faculty Development Workshop 23/09/2017 23/09/2017 View
  • Seminars / Workshops / FDPs/ Other (Participation)

    Sr No Activity Title of activity Organized by held at From Date To Date Name of Participant with Bio
    1 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Syed Saema, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    2 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Amina jafri, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    3 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Shweta yadav, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    4 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    5 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Swati Maurya, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    6 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/09/2023 Dr. Mohammad Usama, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    7 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Azram Tahoor, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    8 Other:please Computational Strategies for Drug Discovery and Sustainable Development Department of Chemistry, Integral University, Lucknow 09/09/2023 14/10/2023 Dr. Kashif Khan, Assistant Professor,Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    9 Workshop Biodiversity and Wetland Conservation Wildlife Institute of India-National Mission for Clean Ganga at Integral University, Lucknow 16/06/2023 16/06/2023 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan
    10 Workshop Workshop on ICT Tools for digital learning, students' engagement & Industry connect uLektz in association with AEEDU, Alliance for economic & educational development of the under priveleged (online workshop) 20/05/2023 20/05/2023 Dr. AminaJafri
    11 Training National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission Intellectual Property Office, India (online) 19/05/2023 19/05/2023 Dr. AminaJafri
    12 Workshop Biodiversity and Wetland Conservation Department of Education, Integral University, Lucknow 16/02/2023 16/02/2023 Dr. Amina jafri
    13 Seminar Emerging Trends In Biological Sciences In Light Of Environmental Degradation & Life Sustainability Zoological Society of India and Department of Zoology, Pandit S. N. Shukla University, Shahdol, (M.P.), India 10/08/2022 12/08/2022 Dr. Anand Mishra
    14 Workshop India Mission for Green Hydrogen and Go Electric IIT Mandi & SPARC 16/03/2022 17/03/2022 Mohammad Usama (F00564)
    15 Workshop Cow Resource Management UGC-HRDC 02/03/2022 03/07/2022 Dr. Shweta Yadav, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    16 Workshop Plagiarism and Code of Conduct HRDC, Integral University. 02/03/2022 03/03/2022 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan
    17 Workshop Plagiarism and Code of Conduct HRDC, Integral University. 02/03/2022 03/03/2022 Dr. Amina Jafri, Dr. Syed Saema, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    18 Workshop Teaching Competency through Micro- Teaching Skills Department of Education, Integral University, Lucknow 14/02/2022 02/03/2023 Dr. Mariya Hasnat
    19 Other:please Online Faculty Induction Program UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University 08/02/2022 12/03/2022 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    20 Workshop Plagiarism and Code of Conduct HRDC, Integral University. 03/02/2022 03/03/2022 Dr. Syed Saema Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    21 Other:please Online Faculty Induction Program UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University 13/11/2021 17/12/2021 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan, Dr. Rahila R. Khan, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    22 Workshop Application of Ocean Science & Technology forthe Practice of Sustainable Blue Economy in Developing Countries Centre for Science & Technology of the Non Aligned & other Developing Countries (NAM S& T Centre) New Delhi, India & Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR),Newark, Delaware, USA 08/11/2021 09/11/2021 Mohammad Usama (F00564)
    23 Other:please Recent Trends In Green Technology for sustainable life Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University 02/11/2021 16/11/2021 Dr. Amina Jafri & Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    24 Other:please Recent Trends In Green Technology for sustainable life Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University 02/11/2021 16/11/2021 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan
    25 Other:please Spreadsheet Applications-Intermediate Leve IQAC and HRDC, Integral University 25/06/2021 15/07/2021 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    26 Other:please Spreadsheet Applications-Intermediate Level IQAC and HRDC, Integral University 25/06/2021 15/07/2021 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan
    27 FDP COMMUNICATION SKILLS : THEORY & PRACTICE Department of Languages,Integral University 14/06/2021 25/06/2021 Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan
    28 FDP COMMUNICATION SKILLS : THEORY & PRACTICE Department of Languages,Integral University 14/06/2021 25/06/2021 Dr. Syed Saema Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University,Lucknow
    29 Workshop SPARC-INDO-US IMMUNOLOGY WORKSHOP Indian Institute of Technology [IIT] Ropar, India & The George Washington University, USA 12/06/2020 13/06/2020 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    30 STC Employment Generation among Rural Youth through Agripreneurship IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 14/05/2020 14/06/2020 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    31 STC Integrated Pest Management IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 14/05/2020 14/06/2020 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    32 STC Design Thinking For Agricultural Implements Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 17/12/2019 12/10/2019 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    33 STC E-Extension Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. 15/10/2019 03/10/2019 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    34 STC Detection Diagnosis and Management of Plant Diseases Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. 15/10/2019 03/01/2019 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    35 Training Teaching Skills & Communication Development Programme (TSCD) Maxel Learning Pvt.(Ltd.) & Integral University, Lucknow 03/07/2019 20/07/2019 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    36 FDP Faculty development Programme on "Xcel in Excel" Integral University 22/05/2018 28/05/2018 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    37 FDP AICTE approved FDP "Pedagogy for Online & Blended Teaching -Learning Process" IIT Bombay 03/05/2018 30/05/2018 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    38 Workshop Detection of Colour Fluorescence and Chemiluminescence through Chemi-Documentation System GE HealthCare and Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow 27/04/2018 27/04/2018 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    39 STC Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension IIT Kanpur and Commonwealth of Learning 23/04/2018 23/04/2018 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    40 FDP Training program on academic leadership HRDC, Integral University, Lucknow 09/04/2018 12/04/2018 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    41 FDP AICTE recognized Short Term course on "Faculty Development Planning and Management through ICT" NITTTR Chandigarh 12/03/2018 16/03/2018 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    42 FDP Faculty Development Planning and Management through ICT MHRD, India 12/03/2018 16/03/2018 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    43 FDP Faculty Development Planning and Management through ICT Integral University, Lucknow 12/03/2018 16/03/2018 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    44 FDP AICTE approved Faculty development Programme (FDP) on " Foundation Program in ICT for Education" IIT Bombay 08/03/2018 12/04/2018 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    45 Seminar Following the Research Workflow Using Elsevier’s Tools HRDC, Integral University 06/03/2018 06/03/2018 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    46 STC Tools for Engineering Research through ICT MHRD, India 30/01/2018 03/02/2018 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    47 STC Climate Change and Disaster Management through ICT MHRD, India 06/11/2017 10/11/2017 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    48 FDP AICTE recognized Short Term Course on "Climate Change & Disaster Management through ICT" NITTTR Chandigarh & Department of Environmental Science Integral University 06/11/2017 10/11/2017 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    49 STC Basics of Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 19/09/2017 19/03/2017 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    50 Workshop Popularization of Remote Sensing Based Maps and Geospatial Information Indian Society of Remote Sensing and Indian Space 11/07/2017 11/07/2017 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    51 FDP Short Term Course For on "Training Programme on Gender Equality in Academic Leadership" Aligarh Muslim University & Integral University 06/07/2017 12/07/2017 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    52 STC Training Programme on Gender Equality in Academic Leadership Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh held at Integral University 06/07/2017 12/07/2017 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    53 FDP Workshop on Research Methodology & Biostatics in Medical Sciences Department of Physiotherapy 29/06/2017 05/07/2017 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    54 FDP AICTE approved Short Term Course on " Tools for Engineering Research Through ICT" NITTTR Chandigarh 30/01/2017 03/02/2017 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    55 STC Agricultural Value Chain Management IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 19/01/2017 19/03/2017 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    56 FDP AICTE approved 4 Week Faculty Development Programme (FDP) "Use of ICT in Education for Online & Blended Learning" IIT Bombay 02/05/2016 10/07/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    57 Other:please BLISS School 2016 TERI University, New Delhi 18/04/2016 22/04/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    58 STC Fasal Utpadan Ke Mool Bhoot Siddhant IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 11/03/2016 14/03/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    59 FDP Short Term Course on "Computer Applications" Aligarh Muslim University & Integral University 26/02/2016 29/02/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    60 STC Short term course on Computer Application Integral University, Lucknow 23/02/2016 29/02/2016 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    61 FDP FDP on MATLAB Integral University, Lucknow 01/02/2016 07/02/2016 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    62 STC short term course on Weather forecast in agriculture and Agro advisory Integral University, Lucknow 11/01/2016 14/01/2016 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    63 STC Integrated Pest Management IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 11/01/2016 14/03/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    64 STC Nutrition, Therapeutics and Health IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 11/01/2016 16/03/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    65 STC Weather Forecast in Agriculture and Agro-advisory IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 11/01/2016 16/03/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    66 STC GIS in Ag-Essentials and Applications IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 11/01/2016 16/03/2016 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    67 Seminar A Vision for the New Millenium, Growth and Challenges Lucknow Public College of Professional Studies, Lucknow Campus, Lucknow 15/10/2015 15/10/2015 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    68 STC STC on Effective Curriculum Implementation through ICT Integral University, Lucknow 24/08/2015 28/08/2015 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    69 FDP AICTE approved Short term Course on "Effective Curriculum Implementation through ICT" NITTTR Chandigarh 24/08/2015 28/08/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    70 FDP FDP on Perspective of Modern teaching techniques & Use of Case studies through experimental learning organized by Department of Business Management Integral University, Lucknow 02/08/2015 02/08/2015 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    71 Workshop workshop on Intellectual Property Rights : Issues & Challenges Indira Gandhi National Open University and University of Lucknow, Lucknow 21/07/2015 21/07/2015 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    72 Other:please Summer School on "Managing Risks and Challenges in Urban Wash Delivery Towards a Swachh Bharat TERI University 03/07/2015 07/07/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    73 STC GENERAL COURSE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 08/06/2015 21/07/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    74 STC Two Week ISTE STTP on "Environmental Studies" SMS Institute of Technology 02/06/2015 12/06/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    75 Workshop Emerging Trends in Earthquake Engineering & Seismic Retrofitting Techniques Department of Civil Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow 25/04/2015 26/04/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    76 Workshop Matlab & Embedded Systems Iqra Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd & Department of Electronics Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow 31/03/2015 31/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    77 STC STC on Aquifer management through Participatory Approach Integral University, Lucknow 27/03/2015 28/03/2015 Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow
    78 Workshop Teaching Pedagogy of Marketing Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management & Research, Integral University, Lucknow 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    79 Workshop Data Analysis by SPSS Department of Mathematics, Integral University, Lucknow 02/02/2015 02/02/2015 Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan, Mr.Mohammad Usama, Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan and Dr. Amina Jafri Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    80 Workshop Institutional Workshop on “Oil Conservation” Petroleum Conservation Research Association (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas) & Academic Staff College, Integral University, Lucknow 08/01/2015 08/01/2015 Rahila Rahman Khan and Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    81 Workshop Intellectual Property System :India Today & Tomorrow Intellectual Property Right Management Cell (IPMRC) , CCG & D, Integral University, Lucknow in collaboration with Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPOA), New Delhi 10/01/2014 10/01/2014 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Dr. Rahila Rahman Khan and Dr. Amina Jafri Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    82 STC Biotechniques for Pollution Control & Resource Recovery IIT Guwahati 01/07/2013 05/07/2013 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    83 Workshop Fundamentals of Nano-science & Biotechnology Department of Nanotechnology, Life Science Foundation India, Karnataka in Collaboration with Department of Bio engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow 30/01/2013 30/01/2013 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    84 STC Comprehensive National Disaster Risk Management Framework World Bank & National Institute of Disaster Management 13/09/2010 24/10/2010 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    85 STC Environment Health & Safety Management IIT Roorkee 25/01/2010 29/01/2010 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
    86 STC Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development IIT Kanpur & Common Wealth of Learning, Canada 13/07/2009 17/07/2009 Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow
Sr No Name of Events Held at No of participant From Date To Date organized By Report If Any
1 REPORT ON DEEKSHARAMBH STUDENT INDUCTION PROGRAMME ORGANIZED BY FACULTY OF SCIENCE (Department of Environmental Science) Integral University, Lucknow 70 01/08/2024 03/08/2024 Faculty of Science(Department of Environmental Science) View
2 world Environment Day CSIR-NBRI 127 05/06/2024 05/06/2024 Environmental Science in collaboration with CSIR-NBRI View
3 World water Day Integral University, Lucknow & UP Jal Nigam Lucknow 32 22/03/2024 22/03/2024 Environmental Science View
4 International day for Forest Integral University, Lucknow 75 21/03/2024 21/03/2024 Environmental Science View
5 World Sparrow Day Integral University, Lucknow 25 20/03/2024 20/03/2024 Environmental Science View
6 Global Recycle Day Integral University, Lucknow with STP, Bharwara,Lucknow 257 18/03/2024 18/03/2024 Environmental Science View
7 World Wetland Day Integral University, Lucknow 50 02/02/2024 02/02/2024 Environmental Science View
8 World Wildlife Week Integral University, Lucknow 100 07/10/2023 07/10/2023 Environmental Science View
9 Paper Presentation competition on Fixing the Ozone layer and reducing climate change Integral University, Lucknow (Venue: D113) 65 19/09/2023 19/09/2023 In collaboration with Department of Chemistry and Department of Environmental Science View
10 Slogan Writing Competition on Communal Harmony and Responsible Citizenship Integral University, Lucknow (Venue: D113) 22 26/08/2023 26/08/2023 In collaboration with Department of Chemistry and Department of Environmental Science View
11 Sketching/Drawing Competition on Inculcating Swachh Bharat in our daily practices Integral University, Lucknow (Venue: D113) 20 26/08/2023 26/08/2023 In collaboration with Department of Chemistry and Department of Environmental Science View
12 International Tiger Day Integral University, Lucknow 76 30/07/2023 30/07/2023 Environmental Science View
13 Educational Visit Zero Liquid Discharge Effluent Treatment Plant of Stahl India Pvt. Ltd.” located in Unnao district 23 15/12/2022 15/12/2022 Department of Environmental science View
14 International Tiger Day 2022(Quiz Competition) Department of Environmental Science, Integral University - 29/07/2022 29/07/2022 Department of Environmental science View
15 World Environment Day Hall-1, Near Central Auditorium, Integral university, Lucknow 170 11/06/2022 11/06/2022 Department of Environmental science View
16 International Day for Biodiversity Integral University 350 22/05/2022 22/05/2022 Department of Environmental science View
17 World Wildlife Day Hall-1, Near Central Auditorium, Integral university, Lucknow 50 03/03/2022 03/03/2022 Department of Environmental science View
18 World Wetlands Day 2022 Department of Environmental Science, Integral University 20 02/02/2022 02/02/2022 Department of Environmental Science, Integral University View
19 Educational Visit Chandra Shekhar Azad Bird Sanctuary” District -Unnao 23 15/12/2021 15/12/2021 Department of Environmental science View
20 Plastic Free Awareness Campaign Department of Environmental Science, Integral University 20 11/11/2021 11/11/2021 Department of Environmental Science, Integral University View
21 Educational Visit U.P. Remote Sensing Application Center (RSAC)” at Kursi road, Lucknow 20 28/09/2021 28/09/2021 Department of Environmental science View
22 World Environment Day (Online) Integral University 236 05/06/2021 05/06/2021 Department of Environmental science View
23 World Wildlife Day Hall-1, Near Central Auditorium, Integral university, Lucknow 60 03/03/2021 03/03/2021 Department of Environmental science View
24 World Wildlife Day Hall-1, Near Central Auditorium, Integral university, Lucknow 120 03/03/2020 03/03/2020 Department of Environmental science View
25 World Wildlife Day all-1, Near Central Auditorium, Integral university, Lucknow 107 13/03/2019 13/03/2019 Department of Environmental science View
26 Water, Environment and Fireworks Protection Awareness Day Hall No.3, Central Library Building, Integral University, 67 22/03/2017 22/03/2017 Department of Environmental science View
  • Guest/ Expert Lecture (Organized)

    Sr No Topic Name Date Bio of Resource person Report
    1 Importance of IPR in Environmental Conservation and Protection Prof. Geetika 23/10/2024 Adjunct Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Retired Professor, School of Management Studies MNNIT, Allahabad View
    2 Gender Equity and Equality Dr Kavita Tyagi 17/05/2024 Head, Department of English, Shakuntla Mishra national Rehabiltational university, Lucknow View
    3 Tiger Conservation Dr Ravi Kumar Singh 30/07/2022 Dr Ravi Kumar Singh, IFS, is Divisional Forest Office, Awadh Prabhag, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. View
    4 Sarus Crane: A Wetland Icon in Need of Protection” Dr Samir Kumar Sinha 02/02/2022 Dr Samir Kumar Sinha, Head of conservation, Wildlife Trust of India, Noida. Dr Sinha has over 20 years of experience in the field of environment, wildlife conservation, wetlands, protected area management, etc. He is also an expert member on several State Boards and National level government committees on protected areas and commission on ecosystem management. View
    5 Changing Environment and the Growing Relevance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Dr. Pranab J. Patar 07/12/2021 Dr. Pranab J. Patar, Chief Executive, Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness, New Delhi. View
    6 A safe operating space for humanity Dr.P.C.Abhilash 11/04/2016 Assistant Professor, Institute of Environment & Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, UP, India View
  • Guest / Expert Lecture (as Resource person)

    Sr No Topic Bio of Resource person Date Held at Report, if availble
    1 Remediation of soil heavy metals by using phytoremediation technique Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 22/11/2021 Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow View
    2 Global Environmental Problems and its remedial measures entitled “Covid-19 and the Environment Dr. Syed Saema, Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 22/11/2021 Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow View
    3 Ill-effects of fireworks and its Protection measures Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow 22/03/2017 Integral University,Lucknow View
    4 Awareness Program on ill effects of fireworks Dr. Amina Jafri, Department of Environmental science, Integral University, Lucknow 21/01/2016 Schools/colleges in neighboring areas of Integral University University,Lucknow View
    5 Species extintion and its Conservation Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 19/11/2021 Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow View
    6 Awareness Program on ill effects of fireworks Dr. Riyazuddeen Khan Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 19/01/2018 Schools/colleges in neighboring areas of Integral University University, Lucknow View
    7 Awareness Program on ill effects of fireworks Mr.Mohammad Usama, Department of Environmental Science,Integral University,Lucknow 15/01/2016 Schools/colleges in neighboring areas of Integral University University,Lucknow View
    8 Plant Tissue Culture Dr. Syed Saema, Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 14/12/2021 Sagar Institute of Technology and Management (SITM), Lucknow View
    9 Green Skilled Development Programme Plant Tissue Culture Techniques and its Application under Ministry of Environment Dr. Syed Saema, Assistant Professor Department of Environmental Science. Integral University, Lucknow 04/03/2021 CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow View
Sr No Name of activity Held at Resource Persons/Collaborating Agencies Form Date To Date Report
1 Awareness Program on plastic Pollution and Environment Tedhipulia Chauraha, Lucknow National Service Scheme,IUL 2024-05-02 2024-05-02 View
2 World Environment Day -23 kukrail forest area,Lucnow and wetland site,Paikramau village, Lucknow Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Lucknow 2023-06-04 2023-06-04 View
3 Celebrating Rivers of India under “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Department of Environmental science, Integral University, Lucknow Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow 2021-12-23 2021-12-23 View
4 Plastic Free Awareness Program Primary School, Village-Bhakhamau, Lucknow Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow 2021-11-11 2021-11-11 View
5 Plastic Waste Free Campaign-(Swachhata Hi Sewa-2019) Campaign rally starting from Central Canteen for Campusround up to Medical College. Department of Environmental Science, Integral University, Lucknow 2019-09-20 2019-09-20 View
6 Water, Environment and Fireworks Protection Awareness Day 2016 Schools/colleges in neighboring areas of Integral University University, Lucknow Faculty members along with the N.S.S. camp 2016-01-15 2016-01-21 View
Sr No Name of Sport Events Held at Form Date To Date Partticipants Name with details Organized by Report If Any
1 Annual Sport meet FIESTA 2020 Integral University 15/02/2020 07/03/2020 Kunwar Meekesh, Devrat Singh , Integral University Sport Academy View