Academic Leadership Workshop | Integral University Lucknow | HRDC Faculty Development

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Short Term Course on “How to Teach Effectively” ( 02th–08th, August 2016)

Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), established under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme, initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on “How to Teach Effectively” for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 2nd to 8th August 2016.

Sixty five participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures as well as Hands-On sessions on various important topics were also conducted. On the day 1 (02 -08 -2016), after inaugural session, Prof. Nasreen, Dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh taken up two sessions on “Teaching Skills”. On day 2 & 3 (03-08-2016 to 04-08- 2016), Prof. Shahid Farooq, Dept. of Geology, AMU, Aligarh took total Six sessions covering “How to Teach Effectively”, “Use of ICT in Education”, “How to Communicate using Multimedia” and “Use of Virtual Globes for Effective Teaching” including two sessions of Hands-On exercise each day. On day 4 & 5 (05-08-2016 to 06-08-2016), Prof. Sajid Jamal, dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh took Six sessions covering various important topics on “Evaluation & Feedback for Effective Teaching”, “Planning & Management for Effective Teaching”, “Motivating the Students for Learning”, “Building Interpersonal Relationship” and “Teacher as a Counselor”. Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, on the last day i.e 08/08/2016, delivered excellent lectures in two sessions covering “Communication Skills for Teaching Effectively” and “Group Discussion and Feedback”.

STC completed with a grand Valedictory session on 8th August 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro-Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC-HRDC AMU and Prof. Mohammad Zafar Idris, Dean, Integral Institute of Medical Science & Research (IIMS&R). Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.