HRDC Organised Short-Term Courses | Integral University Lucknow

Human Resource Development Center

Short Term Courses (STC) Organised

Short Term Course

Report on Short-Term Course on “Artificial Intelligence for Civil Engineers - Concepts and Practices for Civil Engineers” from 16th September to 20th September 2024

Short Term Course

Report on 145-IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “LIDAR data processing and applications” from August 05-16, 2024

Short Term Course

Report on 139- IIRS ISRO Space Science and Technology Awareness Training on Theme Exploration of the Solar System from April 24-May 10, 2024

Short Term Course

Five Days Short-term Course “Research Methodology and Publication Ethics” (22nd -26th April 2024)

Short Term Course

Online One Week Short Term Course on "Integrated Water Resource Management" from 26th February - 1st March 2024

Short Term Course

One-week STC “AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 (Advanced Level)" from 26th February - 1st March 2024

Short Term Course

Report on 135- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Geospatial Analysis using Google Earth Engine” from February 19-23, 2024

Short Term Course

Report on 134- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Exploring Earth’s Moon through Chandrayaan” from February 19 - 23, 2024

Short Term Course

Report on 131- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Geo-data Sharing and Cybersecurity” from November 28 to December 11, 2023

Short Term Course

Report on 129- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “RS & GIS Applications in Natural Resource Management” from November 06-17, 2023

Short Term Course

Report on 128- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Overview of Geo-Computation and Geo-web Services” from October 30 to November 3, 2023

Short Term Course

One-week STC Program on" IoTs and Sensor Networks (ICT-94)” from 09 to 13 October 2023

Short Term Course

Report on 126- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Global Navigation Satellite System” from September 25 to October 6, 2023

Short Term Course

One-week STC “Ergonomic Product Design” from 18 to 22 September 2023

Short Term Course

One-week STC "AI/ML and Data Science for Industry 4.0 (Basic Level)" from 21 to 25 August 2023

Short Term Course

One-week STC "Innovation in Construction and Green Building Materials" from 7th to 11th August 2023

116- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Overview of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) for Geospatial” from 24 to 28 April 2023

114- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Advances in Remote Sensing Techniques for Geological Applications” from 13 to 24 March 2023

7014- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “RS and GIS Applications in Atmospheric and Oceanic Hazards” from 27 February to 03 March 2023

Short Term Course

Open-Source Technologies (ICT-131) 17th to 21st October 2022

Short Term Course

107- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Overview of Global Navigation Satellite System” form 19th September to 30th September, 2022

Faculty Development Programme

Artificial Intelligence & IoT Applications in Civil Engineering (ICT-197) 12th to 16th September 2022

Refresher Course

Two Week Refresher Course in Mechanical Engineering (ICT-90) 4th to 15th July, 2022

Refresher Course

Refresher Course on Machine Learning with R (CU21) 30th May to 10th June, 2022

97- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on New Advanced Geospatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

18 to 29 April 2022

Short Term Course Programme

Free Software and Resources for Technical Education (ICT-175) on 21st to 25th March 2022

96- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on Hyperspectral and Microwave Remote Sensing Techniques for Geological Studies

07 to 17 March 2022

Outreach Programme on “Basics of Geographical Information System”

(Human Resource Development Center, Integral University, Lucknow)

September 27, 2021 to October 22, 2021

Short Term Course (STC) of “Total Station” form 13th March to 16th March 2021

66- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on Global Navigation Satellite System

14 to 25 September 2020

59- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Overview of Planetary Geosciences with special emphasis to the Moon and Mars” on 8th June to 12th June 2020

Short Term Course (STC) on “Outbreak of COVID19 pandemic” on 11th May to 26th June 2020

IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on

“9011- IIRS ISRO Special Course on Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS Technology”

(Human Resource Development Center, Integral University, Lucknow)

April 13, 2020 to April 25, 2020

One Week Short Term Course

One Week Short Term Course on Affordable Housing in Disaster Prone Areas (ICT-78) 2nd March – 6th March, 2020

57- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Geo-processing and Visualization on Web Platform” on 27th January to 07th February, 2020

54- IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “RS & GIS Applications” on 29th October to 22nd November 22, 2019

Short Term Course Programme

Electric Vehicle Technology (ICT23) on 26th August - 30th August, 2019

Short Term Course Programme

Research Oriented Project Work (ICT22) on 5th - 9th August 2019

One Week IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on Digital Photogrammetry based 3D modelling

29 July to 2 August 2019

One Week IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Advances in Remote Sensing and geospatial technologies for Disaster early warning, monitoring and mitigation”

(Human Resource Development Center, Integral University, Lucknow)

July 8, 2019 to July 12, 2019

Review Cum-Contact Programme on “Certificate Course on Integrated Child Development” on 14th March to 16th March 2019

Short Term Course Programme

Project Work Planning and Execution through ICT on 8th to 12th October, 2018

One Week IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on Geoinformatics for Forest Fire Management

2 April to 6 April 2018

Short Term Course Programme

Faculty Development Planning and Management through ICT on 12 to 16 March, 2018

Three Weeks IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Its Applications” on 19th February to 12th March 12, 2018

One Week IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on Close Range Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning

January 08-12, 2018

Short Term Course

“Climate Change and Disaster Management" 06th November to 10th November 2017

25 IIRS ISRO Outreach Programme on “Hyperspectral remote sensing and its Applications” on 18th September to 21st September, 2017

Quality Improvement Program (QIP) / Short Term Course (STC) on IT Skills on 7th August to 12th August, 2017

Short Term Course

STC on Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic (ICT04) 24th to 28th April 2017

Short Term Course

Training Programme on “Academic Leadership”(17th - 23rd March, 2017)

Human Resource Development Center, Integral University, Lucknow successfully completed the sixth One-Week Short-Term Course on “Academic Leadership” on March 23, 2017. The program was organized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India’s Center for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.

The course was under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching to re-energize and revitalize academic leadership in the Indian Academia.

In the inaugural program, Dr. Syed Aqeel Ahmad, Director HRDC, Integral University welcomed the participants and also wished them success in their course pursuit. He said that leadership can and does occur in the domains of teaching, research and administration. Leaders in teaching are imbued with an extraordinary ability to know what knowledge is more critical to teach, excite students and peer about learning, know what teaching practices are most effective, and invest their considerable energies in the promotion of student learning. Dr. Syed Aqeel Ahmad requested the participants to utilize the knowledge and training acquired during the session in their academic environment. The Coordinator of the course, Prof. Parvaiz Talib from the Department of Business Administration, AMU, Aligarh briefly introduced the STC. He said that academic leadership depends on communication, research and excellence in learning and teaching skills.

The Chief Guest, Prof. Aqil Ahmad, COE, Integral University said that one of the well-known American critics Terry Eagleton is pronouncing in USA that American Universities and Colleges are dying because they have just remained training centers and nothing else. The similar case is with us in India! Universities and colleges are going to die natural death— what we need is the Academic Leadership qualities for meeting Higher Education challenges today.

During the program, country’s top level academicians i. e. Prof. Talib, Dr. Ahmad Faraz, Prof. Asim Siddiqui and Dr. Jabir talked on the importance of “Interpersonal Relationship,” “Personality Assessment,” “Self-awareness or Self-knowledge,” “Professional Effectiveness” and “Communication Skills”. Prof. Talib engaged the participants in different activities i. e. group discussion and self-evaluation or reflection. He said that self-knowledge is the understanding of oneself or one's own motives or character. Self-knowledge is essential not only to writing, but to doing almost anything really well. It allows you to work through from a deep place - from the deep, dark corners of your subconscious mind. He emphasized on interpersonal aspects of human behavior and also discussed major barriers to communication. He explained 7 Cs of communication in details by elaborating each of them with proper examples.

Dr. Jabir in his lecture reflected upon the problematics of methodology in academics especially in teaching and learning. He stressed on research ethics in Indian Academia and also suggested best possible ways for academic growth. Dr. Ahmad Faraz Khan talked on personality assessment. The 'self-image' is the key to human personality and human behavior. When you change the self-image, you change the personality and the behavior.

He mentioned that assessing personality belongs to a very special knowledge. It has to do something with the proficiency of professional psychology to be objectively more efficient in research and professional fields. Dr. Khan engaged the participant in their personality assessment and then discussed everyone individually with their worksheet. Dr. Asim Siddiqui focused on communication skills in academics especially on the strategies of academic writing. He stated that writing is a technology which can only be learnt by practice. While writing in academics one must avoid editing during the writing process. He said the editing part must be left to be done at the end. The editor must not disturb the writer as the person can play both the roles.

Being a good listener is one of the best ways to be a good communicator. Language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone all color the message you are trying to convey play very crucial part. One needs clarity, concision, friendliness, confidence, empathy, openmindedness and respect.

Before the Valedictory Function (session), Hon’ble Pro-Vice-Chancellor, AMU Aligarh, Brigadier Ahmad Ali, also spoke on “Effective Academic Leadership.” In his lecture, he said that leaders must be tenacious— they must be self-aware, self-regulative, motivated, empathetic and socially skilled. He also mentioned the Indian “GUNAS” (characters of leadership) i. e. “tamas,” lazy, dual, and innert quality, “rajas,” active, assertive and passionate, “satwic,” engaged in action, knowing that result will follow. He said that leadership is either democratic or autocratic and told that the leaders’ presence is felt and workers’ absence is felt. He said that motivation, delegation, positivity, trustworthiness, creativity, feedback and responsibility are the pillars of leadership. The AMU PVC shed light on different leadership styles and said that you are a successful teacher if your students come back after many years and remember your name. He said that technology is an anathema and the future of education lies in technology.

In her speech, Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Director UGC HRDC AMU Aligarh congratulated the participants. She said that it may be sixth course at IU, but for AMU it is 49th in the entire country. She mentioned that usually there are three prerequisites, infrastructure, experienced people and noble mission— Integral University has all these three. She added that teachers must lead students, teachings and non-teaching to high quality ladders, teaching and training needs highly experienced academicians. Dr. Jamal Mohd Arif PVC Integral University said that the professional ethics must be nurtured properly and the academic leader must be proactive— he should have mission and the target.

Integral University founder Prof. Syed Waseem Akhtar, the father and founding figure congratulated the participants and thanked UGC HRDC AMU Aligarh. He said that we wish to be listed in top ten world education organizations and must drop Lord Macaulay’s vicious education policies. He said that knowledge is the only treasure which gets increased whenever distributed.

Short Term Course

Short Term Course on Tools for Engineering Research 30th Jan to 3rd Feb 2017

Short Term Course

Training Program on “Academic Leadership" ( 11th – 17th, 2017)

Human Resource Development Center (HRDC), Integral University, Lucknow— a modern- day academic Avant-guard, inaugurated a One Week Short Term Course on “Academic Leadership” on January 11, 2017. The STC was conducted by UGC HRDC, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching supported by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India— a Center for Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM) to re-energize and re-vitalize academic leadership in the Indian Academia.

On the occasion of inaugural ceremony, Dr. Syed Aqeel Ah mad, Director HRDC, Integral University welcomed the participants and also wished them success in their course pursuit. In his welcome address, he recalled John F. Kennedy’s statement that “leadership and learning are indispensible” and the essence of leadership is always to have a vision for greater future.

The task of an academic leader should stimulate apparently ordinary people to unusual efforts. He emphasized on the meaningful academic leadership towards the greater goals to achieve.

Prof. A. K. Saxena, Dean Management raised few questions to be taken up during the course i.e. the problem of academic, non-academic, political and managerial leadership. Observing on the importance of management, he said that time and quality should not be compromised in academics— and values and ethics play vital role in teaching and learning process. The learned course coordinator from AMU, Prof. Parvez Talib gave formal introduction of the program and reflected on knowing ‘Oneself’ in the academic leadership and said that there are layers in the individuals that they themselves do not know. He said that one has to dare— and to dare is to lose footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself.

Dr. T. Usmani, Prof. and Dean Education, Integral University, Chaired the Inaugural Session and said that “academic leadership depends on research and excellence in learning and teaching.” He further added that all sort of human knowledge, wisdom, critical and creative efforts come under the academic leadership. Therefore, we need to develop a responsible attitude to find out the goals and objectives in academics. Quoting Albert Einstein, Prof. Usmani said: “the real educated is the one who has learnt the fine art of learning and changing himself.”

In the program, India’s top level academicians and connoisseurs were called for lecturing and sharing their ideas and knowledge for the cause. The STC threw light on the interpersonal relationship, self-awareness or self-knowledge, communication and leadership skills, professional effectiveness and personality assessment.

During the course, Prof. Pervez Talib, the course coordinator from AMU, Aligarh HRDC talking on interpersonal relationship stated that “nobody can make us feel small without our permission,” “one single good act is better than hundred initiatives” and suggested to “live, love, learn and leave a legacy behind.” Prof. Asim Siddiqui from AMU Aligarh said that “the biggest barrier to communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” He also reflected on the linguistic nuances of effective communication. Prof. Jabir Ali from IIM Lucknow said that “learning comes from failure not success,” and stressed on creating learning environment. Dr. Ahmad Faraz from AMU focused on the self-assessment, a subject related to a very special knowledge and a proficiency in professional psychology. Self- assessment is used to increase the accuracy in the behavioral predictions in a variety of settings and contexts i. e. forensic, clinical, organizational and educational. Dr. Rakesh Suri, one of the most touching and impressive speakers of the course talked on leadership internalized. He said “never before has the human race enjoyed such an abundance of wealth, resources and economic power. Yet a huge number of proportions of world citizen is still tormented by hunger, poverty, basic needs and basic education. It is reported that during his lecture majority of the participants started crying in the hall. The course was successfully completed on January 17, 2017.

In the Valedictory Session of the program, Dr. Syed Aqeel Ahmad, Director HRDC, Integral University, in his welcome address thanked the speakers, the entire CALEM team and specially thanked to UGC-HRDC, AMU Aligarh. The Guests of Honours, Dr. Irfan Ahmad, Director Maulana Azad Institute of Humanities and Dr. Sultan Shakir Hashmi, former Member Planning Commission of India expressed great happiness for success of the program. They emphasized on the mind-making of the students to a greater nation by enlightening the new and young minds. The Chief-Guest, Mr. Rizwan Ahmad, former DGP UP quoted many motivational Urdu couplets and congratulated and appreciated the noble effort. He laid emphasis on national unity and integrity.

Prof. Syed Waseem Akhtar, Vice-Chancellor of Integral University, in his Presidential Address congratulated Director UGC- HRDC AMU Aligarh and Director HRDC, Integral University. He said that our time is not of education, learning and information but excellence. He suggested that the teachers should not stick only to the syllabi while teaching but also they must pour the extra knowledge and wisdom for the new advancement in the world. The Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor was all praise to the Director HRDC AMU Aligarh and Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor AMU Aligarh for their noble efforts. He expressed his word of gratitude for all the distinguished resource persons of the program.

The valedictory program was attended by more than 300 senior teachers of the university and were also served lunch at the great finale. The Registrar of the university Dr. I. A. Khan also graced the occasion by his kind presence. The participants in their open feedback said that the speakers have injected fresh blood in them to circulate their knowledge towards the academic excellence and leadership. The speakers and all the dignitaries appreciated the modus operandi in the Integral University campus. At the end, Mr. Zishan Raza Khan, Dy. Registrar HRDC Integral University proposed the Vote of Thanks and later the participants were requested for a group photo.

Short Term Course on “How to Teach Effectively” ( 02th–08th, August 2016)

Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), established under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme, initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on “How to Teach Effectively” for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 2nd to 8th August 2016.

Sixty five participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures as well as Hands-On sessions on various important topics were also conducted. On the day 1 (02 -08 -2016), after inaugural session, Prof. Nasreen, Dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh taken up two sessions on “Teaching Skills”. On day 2 & 3 (03-08-2016 to 04-08- 2016), Prof. Shahid Farooq, Dept. of Geology, AMU, Aligarh took total Six sessions covering “How to Teach Effectively”, “Use of ICT in Education”, “How to Communicate using Multimedia” and “Use of Virtual Globes for Effective Teaching” including two sessions of Hands-On exercise each day. On day 4 & 5 (05-08-2016 to 06-08-2016), Prof. Sajid Jamal, dept. of Education, AMU, Aligarh took Six sessions covering various important topics on “Evaluation & Feedback for Effective Teaching”, “Planning & Management for Effective Teaching”, “Motivating the Students for Learning”, “Building Interpersonal Relationship” and “Teacher as a Counselor”. Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Assistant Director, UGC-HRDC, AMU, Aligarh, on the last day i.e 08/08/2016, delivered excellent lectures in two sessions covering “Communication Skills for Teaching Effectively” and “Group Discussion and Feedback”.

STC completed with a grand Valedictory session on 8th August 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro-Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC-HRDC AMU and Prof. Mohammad Zafar Idris, Dean, Integral Institute of Medical Science & Research (IIMS&R). Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.

Short Term Cours e on Computer Applications( 23rd–29th Feb, 2016)

Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), established under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme, initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Academic Staff College, Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on Computer Applications for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 23rd to 29th February 2016.

Sixty participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures as well as Tutorial Sessions on various important topics. Prof. Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Dept. of Electrical Engg., AMU, Aligarh taken up the topics on day 1 & 2 covering “Use of Learning Management System (MOODLE)”, “Application of Computers for teaching & Learning”, “Use of Professional N/wing site (Linkedin, Researchgate)”, “Use of Google Group, Blogs and winkis in Teaching & Learning” and “Google Classroom as ICT enabled technology”. On day and 3 & 4, Dr. Najam Sardar, Dept. of Petroleum Studies, A.M.U. Aligarh, taken up the topics on “Use of Internet & Email for Teaching & Learning”,” Google Apps for Education”, “Tutorial on use of Internet & Email, Internet & Research”, “Use of Spread sheet Application in Education” and “Tutorial on Use of Word Processing & Excel”. On day 5th, Mr. Mohd. Rashid Aqeel, Computer Centre, AMU, Aligarh, taken up the topics on “FOSS Vs Proprietary Software”, “Tutorial on Use of Google Group and Wikis” and “Tutorial on use of Power Point”.

On 6th day Dr. Parvez M. Khan, Director Computer Centre, AMU, Aligarh gives excellent lectures on “Massive open online course (MOOC’s)” and “Overview of NMEICT Project”.

STC complete with a grand Valedictory session on 29th Feb 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro-Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC-HRDC AMU. Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.

Five days Short Term Course (STC) on 15th - 19th Feb 2016.

This course aims to provide exposure on renewable energy and its integration with the grid, which focuses on incorporating renewable energy, distributed generation, energy storage, and demand response into the electric distribution and transmission system. The course will cover specialized theoretical research topics and design methods, interesting reviews of technological products, patents and software. It will generate deep interest and a good augury for future research in the field of renewable energy and its integration with the grid. One of the objectives of the course is to motivate the faculty /Industry Personnel /Researchers/ Students to do further study/work in this field. This course is also intended to enhance the students’ potential for employability by giving them exposure to a field in which there is a shortage of skilled manpower.

Short Term Course on Data Analysis: SPSS & Minitab from 02nd - 08th Feb, 2016

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, initiated a Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMMNMTT) to upgrade educational standard in India. Under this scheme “Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM)” has been established at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The objective of CALEM is to revitalize minority managed academic institutions by way of organizing courses for their faculty members. Integral University, Lucknow is one of the Regional Centers for conducting various courses of CALEM. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Academic Staff College, Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on Data Analysis:

SPSS & Minitab for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 2nd to 8th February 2016.

Fifty-Seven participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures on various important topics. Hand-on training was also given to all the participants on various Data Analysis software like SPSS, Minitab, TORA and R Package.

Details of topics covered in STC and respective resource persons are as under:

S.No. Topics Covered Resource Persons
1. Exploratory Data Analysis, Regression Diagnostics using Minitab Dr. Aquil Ahmed, Professor, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh
2. Exploratory Data Analysis, Regression Analysis & Discriminant Analysis Dr. Masood Hasan Siddiqi, Professor Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
3. Intro. to R language, Data analysis and graphics with R, Statistical Modeling & Categorical Data Dr. Athar Ali Khan, Professor, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh
4. Data Analysis of Sample Surveys, Census 2011 Dr. Qazi Mazhar Ali, Professor & Chairman, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh

STC complete with a grand Valedictory session on 8th Feb 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro -Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Chief Guest of Valedictory session was Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Asst. Registrar General, Directorate of Census operations, U.P. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC -HRDC AMU. Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.


Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, initiated a Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) to upgrade educational standard in India.

Under this scheme “Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM)” has been established at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The objective of CALEM is to revitalize minority managed academic institutions by way of organizing courses for their faculty members and Principal/ Administrators.

Integral University, Lucknow is one of the Regional Centers for conducting various courses of CALEM. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Academic Staff College, Integral University has organized a two days Short Term Course (STC) on Academic Leadership for Principal/ Administrators of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 16th to 17th January 2016.

Thirty-three participants from various cities of Uttar Pradesh had participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures on various important topics as under:

1. Minority Education: Issues and Challenges by Prof. Parvaiz Talib, Deptt of Business Adm. AMU
2. Jobs and Placement by Mr. Saad Hameed, TPO General, AMU
3. Assessing Governmental Scheme for Minorities by Maulana Fazlurraheem Mujddidi, Jaipur
4. Academic Leadership by Mirza Yawar Baig, YBA Associates, Hydrabad
5. Technology Led Education by Prof. Shahid Farooq, Deptt of Geology, AMU

STC completed with a grand Valedictory session on 17th Jan 2016, Presided by Prof. S.W. Akhtar, Honorable Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Chief Guest of Valedictory session was Prof. Khan Masood, Honorable Vice Chancellor, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu Arabi-Farsi University, Lucknow. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Prof. A. R. Kidwai, Director UGC-HRDC AMU, Aligarh. Short Term Course ended with certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.