HRDC Academic Leadership Program at Integral University Lucknow

Human Resource Development Center

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Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, initiated a Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (PMMMNMTT) to upgrade educational standard in India. Under this scheme “Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM)” has been established at UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The objective of CALEM is to revitalize minority managed academic institutions by way of organizing courses for their faculty members. Integral University, Lucknow is one of the Regional Centers for conducting various courses of CALEM. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Academic Staff College, Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on Data Analysis:

SPSS & Minitab for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 2nd to 8th February 2016.

Fifty-Seven participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures on various important topics. Hand-on training was also given to all the participants on various Data Analysis software like SPSS, Minitab, TORA and R Package.

Details of topics covered in STC and respective resource persons are as under:

S.No. Topics Covered Resource Persons
1. Exploratory Data Analysis, Regression Diagnostics using Minitab Dr. Aquil Ahmed, Professor, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh
2. Exploratory Data Analysis, Regression Analysis & Discriminant Analysis Dr. Masood Hasan Siddiqi, Professor Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
3. Intro. to R language, Data analysis and graphics with R, Statistical Modeling & Categorical Data Dr. Athar Ali Khan, Professor, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh
4. Data Analysis of Sample Surveys, Census 2011 Dr. Qazi Mazhar Ali, Professor & Chairman, Department of Statistics & O.R., A.M.U. Aligarh

STC complete with a grand Valedictory session on 8th Feb 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro -Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Chief Guest of Valedictory session was Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Asst. Registrar General, Directorate of Census operations, U.P. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC -HRDC AMU. Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.