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Short Term Cours e on Computer Applications( 23rd–29th Feb, 2016)

Centre of Academic Leadership and Education Management (CALEM), established under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme, initiated by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. As one of the CALEM’s Regional Center, the Academic Staff College, Integral University has organized one week Short Term Course (STC) on Computer Applications for faculty members of Minority Managed Academic Institutions from 23rd to 29th February 2016.

Sixty participants from various Institutions have participated in the STC. Senior professors and eminent personalities delivered Lectures as well as Tutorial Sessions on various important topics. Prof. Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Dept. of Electrical Engg., AMU, Aligarh taken up the topics on day 1 & 2 covering “Use of Learning Management System (MOODLE)”, “Application of Computers for teaching & Learning”, “Use of Professional N/wing site (Linkedin, Researchgate)”, “Use of Google Group, Blogs and winkis in Teaching & Learning” and “Google Classroom as ICT enabled technology”. On day and 3 & 4, Dr. Najam Sardar, Dept. of Petroleum Studies, A.M.U. Aligarh, taken up the topics on “Use of Internet & Email for Teaching & Learning”,” Google Apps for Education”, “Tutorial on use of Internet & Email, Internet & Research”, “Use of Spread sheet Application in Education” and “Tutorial on Use of Word Processing & Excel”. On day 5th, Mr. Mohd. Rashid Aqeel, Computer Centre, AMU, Aligarh, taken up the topics on “FOSS Vs Proprietary Software”, “Tutorial on Use of Google Group and Wikis” and “Tutorial on use of Power Point”.

On 6th day Dr. Parvez M. Khan, Director Computer Centre, AMU, Aligarh gives excellent lectures on “Massive open online course (MOOC’s)” and “Overview of NMEICT Project”.

STC complete with a grand Valedictory session on 29th Feb 2016, Chaired by Prof. T. Usmani, Pro-Vice Chancellor Integral University, Lucknow. Guest of Honor of Valedictory session was Dr. Faiza Abbasi, Asst. Director UGC-HRDC AMU. Short Term Course ended with Certificate distribution by dignitaries to all the participants.